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Get on the Tompkins County Compost Map!

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County is gathering information about how much composting takes place in the county. We are proud of the many households and businesses that reduce their waste through composting and we would like to know just how many composters there are!

With that in mind, we are putting together the Tompkins County Composters Map, which will have a dot placed on it for every household and business that sends in a "Compost Information Card" (cards are available at the Cooperative Extension office and the Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division office). The cards ask a few simple questions about your compost system. So send one in, and get the recognition you deserve. Then spread the word among all the composters you know - let's get everyone on the map! (Composters may also respond by e-mail or by using the attached form, to Adam Michaelides.)

Our Program occasionally does prize drawings from registered county composters. Past prize drawings for a variety of compost bins and tools have been held at the Compost Fair in April, and in November to celebrate "America Recycles Day." Send or e-mail your card to "get on the map" today and be eligible for winning a compost prize!

Tompkins County Compost Information Entry

Please fill out the following:

Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:

My/Our household is currently composting

 at home     indoors     outdoors
 in a shared compost site, with (#)  other households
There are (#)  people in my/our household
We compost     food scraps (about  lbs. or  gallons per week)
    yard waste

My/Our business composts its food waste (amount per week )

 Please register me/us in the "Put Yourself on the Map" Compost Campaign. I/We understand that my/our compost site will be represented by a dot on the Tompkins County Composters Map at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County (CCETC).

Name and address information will be kept confidential. The CCETC Compost Education Program may seek updated compost information from time to time as part of the Map Campaign. If you wish not to receive mailings about future CCETC classes or events, please check this box: 

Eligibility: Open to residents of Tompkins County. Only one entry per household or business please.


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