Latest News

Photo of a bike in a bike share lane and a car with an open door.

Bicycle lanes and sharrow markings improve safety around town.

Lynx! A rural feeder service will help more people in Enfield and Newfield use the bus this fall.

Your Stories

Photo of a man on a bike with a child in a bike trailer.

"By running errands by bicycle, with my son in tow, I save on both car costs and childcare expenses. My son loves it!"

     - Jeremiah Dvorak with son Adrian.

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Welcome to Way2Go!

Looking for the best way to get around? Thinking about how transportation affects the whole community? Way2Go is here for you. Through education, dialog and collaborative projects, Way2Go helps people make mobility choices that:

  • Save money
  • Support health and well being
  • Create less pollution
  • Promote equity and community connections

Way2Go works with individuals, community organizations, employers, and transportation providers to foster sustainable transportation for all.

Explore Your Options

See Ways to Get Around, or click on the icons below to learn about different ways of getting around.

Bus icon.




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Car Rental


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